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Writer's picturesandy camillo

Empathy or Obligation: Are Men Genuinely Supporting Women or Just Bowing to Feminist Pressure?


It’s sometimes difficult to ascertain whether a man truly believes that there is societal gender bias towards women, or if he has adopted the façade of male feminist sympathizer just to maintain his relationships with women. The question of whether men have genuinely become more empathetic towards women or are merely conforming to social pressures from feminist movements is a complex one. On one hand, there has been a notable shift in attitudes, particularly among younger generations, where empathy and emotional intelligence are increasingly valued. Many men are now more vocal about gender equality and women’s rights, engaging in conversations about gender bias and embracing a more compassionate outlook. Studies suggest that men who have been raised in environments that encourage equality and respect for women tend to be more empathetic, both personally and socially. This could indicate that there is a genuine evolution in male attitudes, moving away from traditional gender roles and adopting a more empathetic, egalitarian mindset.


However, it is also possible that some men are conforming to the expectations set by feminist movements without fully internalizing these changes. The rise of feminist activism, particularly in the last decade, has pushed gender equality issues into the mainstream. In many spaces, especially in professional and public life, men are expected to support these movements and align with feminist ideals. This external pressure can lead to performative allyship, where men may express empathy and support for women’s issues but do so to avoid backlash or to maintain social standing, rather than from a place of genuine belief or understanding. It’s quite possible that some men find it difficult to relinquish the power dynamics that make them virtual royalty in their relationships with women. I imagine that there is a tremendous lure in having a submissive woman catering to your every need and desire.


Social media has also amplified this phenomenon of what you see is not always what you get. The visibility of feminist causes and the potential for public scrutiny mean that men often feel pressured to present themselves as allies. The risk of being labeled sexist or out of touch can drive men to outwardly conform to feminist expectations, sometimes without a deeper personal commitment to the values being promoted. This performative empathy, while contributing to the broader conversation, may lack the sincerity required for long-term behavioral change, creating a surface-level appearance of progress without deep-rooted transformation. This Yin-Yang situation can lead to male resentment and depression.


Ultimately, the line between genuine empathy and social conformity is often blurred. Some men may start with performative gestures but, over time, truly internalize the importance of gender equality. Others may maintain a façade without ever fully engaging with the underlying principles of empathy. Feminist movements have certainly helped bring gender issues to the forefront, but whether this is leading to authentic change in male attitudes or simply fostering a culture of compliance remains a subject of ongoing debate.

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